Tag Archives: how to keep your professional energy high

Feed Your Psyche

A Writer's Digest Conference Pitch Slam in Los Angeles, 2013

A Writer’s Digest Conference Pitch Slam in Los Angeles, 2013

My area of the country has been having unseasonably warm weather, but it is still winter, and still gray and gloomy outdoors. Though I feel professional writers ought to be able to suck it up and write whether they “feel” it or not, I have to say that days like these make it especially hard. As a matter of fact, the dead of winter is often when the isolation of a writer’s life hits hardest . . . what can someone who isn’t particularly (financially) successful do to get re-inspired?

Writers’ conferences and workshops are two great ways to step outside your routine, yet immerse yourself in your profession. If you can attend a local event–usually for a couple of hundred dollars at most–you’ll get a fresh jolt of excitement for the writing life. You’ll remember what attracted you to it, you’ll see examples of success that will inspire you, and you’ll be able to talk to people who understand you. What’s not to like? Plus, you can deduct the expense of attending!

I always say that the average writer (and by that, I mean the lone freelancer off by her/himself day after day plugging away on various projects) needs to get with other writers every so often for sanity’s sake. If you’re fortunate enough to meet with a writer’s group (such as a monthly critique group), that can be enough. If you can’t do that for one reason or another, you really must try, try, try, to hit a conference once a year. You’ll be amazed at the uplift in energy you’ll get from it!